8 miles: not that much farther to 13! (Half-Marathon Training Day 50)

It was long overdue, but I did it: I ran 8 miles this morning!

I planned my route last night: this time, I was going to go up the hills onto the next town, and then back down to my town to the park. I started my run at around 7am, when it was still fairly cool, although the sun was steadily rising higher and higher. I went as slowly as I could, and paced myself throughout the whole run. I was hoping I wouldn’t outdo myself today, especially since 1) I was running on a huge hill and 2) this would be my longest distance ever

Surprisingly, I felt really good during the whole run. During the hills, I didn’t stop, and I reached a snail pace of 13 min / mile. After the hill, it was pretty much a breeze. By the time I hit 7 miles, I couldn’t believe that I was well on my way to make another PR, and I couldn’t believe that I wasn’t tired. When I reached 8 miles, I even considered going for two more for an even 10… but, I’ll save it for another day. 😉


I was really hoping that at least one of the pictures I tried to take when I reached the top of the hill would come out good, but sadly, none were too spectacular. Eh, what the hell. What matters is that I reached the top, right?

Starting my run early on in the morning has seriously made this Sunday go by much, much slower, which works out great considering it’s already Monday again tomorrow. I’m excited for the work week though: one of my close friends is going to start working with me, and she starts tomorrow! 

Right now, I’m cooking some dinner (cheese tortellini with basil pesto) while sipping on some Hefeweizen that I got from Trader Joe’s yesterday. Gotta enjoy my last night of the weekend!

Have a great night, everyone!
